Our Story
God has provided facilities for us each step of our journey:
Our beginnings in the home of Deacon Phil & Deaconess Linda Wasler, July – August 2002
The New Life Church of God began under the direction and anointing of the Holy Spirit on July 28, 2002. Our congregation was initially made up primarily of former members of the Lincoln Avenue Church of God, located in the Lincoln-Larimer section of Pittsburgh, PA. The founding Pastor of the congregation is Rev. Mark Kevin Richardson.

From the beginning, this congregation was blessed with solid leadership from 8 Ordained Ministers, including the Senior Pastor, several Commissioned Ministers, and several Deacons and Deaconesses, as well as several other leaders in various capacities. The first several services of the congregation were held in the home of two charter members of the congregation, Deacon Philip and Deaconess Linda Wasler.
Our Time in the Penn Hills, PA Multi-Purpose Community Center, August 2002-April 2008
The church relocated to the Penn Hills Family Services Center through the generous help and blessings of Leroy and Rev. Betty Green, in September of 2002, and remained there until May 2008.
God’s blessing, our current facilities, New Life Church of God, Pittsburgh, May 2008 – Present
In May 2008, our congregation was blessed with the gift of our current facilities, at 1120 Greenfield Avenue in the Greenfield section of the City of Pittsburgh, by our state ministry, Western PA Ministries of the Church of God. Since our inception, the congregation has grown, and we have a desire to continue to grow in both numbers and spiritual maturity, until Christ comes again. We believe that we are on a sound foundation, Christ, and we have the building blocks in place to grow as He directs. Through our entire existence, our testimony is that the Lord Jesus Christ has been very good to us. He has done great things of which we are glad.
In September 2019, Founding Pastor Mark Richardson was granted the position of State Pastor for the Church of God in the State of Michigan where he oversees 90 plus churches. The New Life Church of God has moved forward in search for another senior pastor. Our interim pastor is Rev. Lois E. Lukus, an excellent speaker and teacher of God’s Word.
Our Ministerial Staff
Rev. Dr. Sharon Goodwin
Rev. Gail Spencer
Rev. Sharon Price
Rev. Leah Wheeler
Rev. Yvonne Taylor
Rev. Alicia Askew
What We Believe
The Doctrine of The Church of God
This brief synopsis of the Church of God doctrinal beliefs represents a small percentage of the Church’s position in these areas, which we firmly believe to be Biblical. More detailed study of the Biblical doctrines of the Church of God can be achieved through courses which will be offered by the Leadership Academy of the New Life Church of God.
Our Affiliations
We are affiliated with Church of God Anderson Indiana and the National Association of the Church of God, and regionally with the Western Pennsylvania Ministries of the Church of God.
The Church of God Reformation movement is a group of churches that voluntarily affiliate together to promote the cause of Christ in the world, with its international headquarters in Anderson, Indiana. It was begun unintentionally by a man named D. S. Warner, when he started preaching the Biblical message of Jesus Christ around the Midwest in the 1880s.
There are currently over 2,300 affiliated congregations in North America with over 7,000 in other countries around the world. Each congregation is autonomous, self governed, and free to choose its own pastors, its own style, its own programs, buildings, and property. We voluntarily affiliate together in covenant commitment, to accomplish together what we could not do separately:
sponsor missions in 79 different countries
support universities colleges and seminaries
sponsor youth camps and conventions
sponsor teacher training and leadership development events
start new churches all over the world
develop curriculum for adult and children’s classes
provide helps for worship and Bible study groups
sponsor radio outreach programs in seven languages