New Life Church of God
of Pittsburgh
1120 Greenfield Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Sunday Mornings
What to Expect
Sunday Morning Service begins at 10:30 AM.
Children and Youth Church
Everyone is welcome! Our praise and worship is a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary Christian and gospel music, also liturgical dance, mime, and poetry.
The church uses mostly on-street parking, and also has a small parking lot about a half a block away on Theodolite Way.
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, virtual services are being held via ZOOM and Conference Call.
Morning devotions Monday through Friday at 8:00 AM.
Monday night men’s group “Remarkable Men” meets at 6PM.
Evening prayer at 7:30PM nightly, Sunday through Saturday.
Wednesday Noon Prayer 12:00PM
Wednesday Night Bible study starts at 6PM
ZOOM meeting at 6 PM Thursday for Youth
ZOOM meeting at 8 PM Thursday for Teens and Young Adults
Saturday morning men-only devotional with discussion at 9AM.
Call the church at 412 421 7101 to get access to any of these virtual meetings.

Our Mission
The New Life Church of God is a loving community of people, who are passionate about unity, holiness, and serving our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. We strive to honor the Lord by helping people to:
Know God Personally
Follow Jesus Christ Wholeheartedly
Serve The Lord Consistently
In God the Father, Jesus Christ, our Lord, and the Holy Spirit, ready to do all that God says
Leaning upon God for everything in life, and obedience to the Bible and the Holy Spirit
Leaning upon God for everything in life, and obedience to the Bible and the Holy Spirit
Building Up of the Church
Allowing the Lord Jesus Christ to build up His church as He promised in His holy Word
Love & Support
A non-judgmental church, where the love of God is evident through the lives of God’s people
Trust & Submission
Trust in God, and submission to His Word and the leaders He places over the congregation
Giving & Serving
Offering to God the gifts He has allowed us to be stewards of: our treasure, time, and talents
Unity & Community
Demonstrating the unity we have through the Holy Spirit, lived out in Christian community
Mission Statement
Bringing new life to all walks of life. We believe that God will enlarge our borders to reach people from every aspect of society, every race, color, or background. We intend to reach into the communities of the area, the prisons, the schools and universities, the business world, the street gangs, the broken and dysfunctional homes, and wherever else God will direct and empower us. We see no one as beyond the grace and mercy of God. We want our church to look like the Antioch Church in the book of Acts, where the leadership and membership was completely diverse. This is a true picture of the Kingdom of God, men and women from every corner of the world and walk of life.

Mail A Check
New Life Church of God
1120 Greenfield Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
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